full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Christer Mjåset: 4 questions you should always ask your doctor

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Recent research has shown that the difference of treatment effect between regular physical therapy and operations for the knee — there is no dfnefecire. Meaning that most of the procedures performed on the chart I've just shown could have been avoided, even in Stavanger. So what am I trying to tell you here? Even though most indications for treatments in the world are sntdaedrziad, there is a lot of unreeasncsy variation of treatment decisions, especially in the Western world. Some pelope are not getting the treatment that they need, but an even greater portion of you are being overtreated.

Open Cloze

Recent research has shown that the difference of treatment effect between regular physical therapy and operations for the knee — there is no __________. Meaning that most of the procedures performed on the chart I've just shown could have been avoided, even in Stavanger. So what am I trying to tell you here? Even though most indications for treatments in the world are ____________, there is a lot of ___________ variation of treatment decisions, especially in the Western world. Some ______ are not getting the treatment that they need, but an even greater portion of you are being overtreated.


  1. difference
  2. standardized
  3. unnecessary
  4. people

Original Text

Recent research has shown that the difference of treatment effect between regular physical therapy and operations for the knee — there is no difference. Meaning that most of the procedures performed on the chart I've just shown could have been avoided, even in Stavanger. So what am I trying to tell you here? Even though most indications for treatments in the world are standardized, there is a lot of unnecessary variation of treatment decisions, especially in the Western world. Some people are not getting the treatment that they need, but an even greater portion of you are being overtreated.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
operation rate 4
nerve root 3
møre og 3
og romsdal 2
procedures performed 2
private clinics 2
physical therapy 2
health care 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
møre og romsdal 2

Important Words

  1. avoided
  2. chart
  3. decisions
  4. difference
  5. effect
  6. greater
  7. indications
  8. knee
  9. lot
  10. meaning
  11. operations
  12. overtreated
  13. people
  14. performed
  15. physical
  16. portion
  17. procedures
  18. regular
  19. research
  20. shown
  21. standardized
  22. stavanger
  23. therapy
  24. treatment
  25. treatments
  26. unnecessary
  27. variation
  28. western
  29. world